European Drugs Winter School 2021


Building Sedas Nunes (Building I)
Gab. 2SE3
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Tuesday to friday:
10h-13h | 14h30-18h


Our two week Winter School prepares professionals and students to meet the complex policy challenges that face Europe and the World in the field of drugs. Teaching staff include scientific experts from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), researchers, practitioners and policymakers.

This edition will have a special focus on responses to, and preparedness for, health-related threats.

The Winter School will be delivered through online and remote instruction. Following the experience of last year's online Summer School, live sessions with experts and practitioners will be held from early afternoon until late afternoon (Lisbon Time, GMT +1 to GMT +3/4). Individual small exercises will be given and assessed every day, and an exam will be offered to those who wish to earn the credits. Virtual tours to field work will be included.

Credits and Requirements

The Winter School will give 6 ECTS for their courses. Students can easily transfer credits to other European universities using the ECTS system. Credits will be attributed formally to postgraduate students (Masters and PhD), but it is possible to allow undergraduates to use these credits in their home universities.

A Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) will be required at the end of the Winter School, including questions on class content, class discussions and readings. For those who want to be formally evaluated, Iscte will issue a Specialised Studies Diploma with the final grade − if the exam is successfully concluded.

Students may also require attendance certificates.

Please note that a good command of English is a mandatory requirement.


Iscte offers five scholarships covering 50% of the standard fees.

All candidates are eligible. Scholarships are attributed on the basis of merit (40 %), and the GDP of the candidate's country of residence (60 %).

The University will inform the candidates selected, by email, together with their notification of acceptance.

Make sure to check the Bursaries for Western Balkan students for the 2021 European Drugs Winter School and the Bursaries for students from European Neighbourhood Policy countries for the 2021 European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools.

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Áreas temáticas

  • Sociology
  • Health




  • University students (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate), researchers, professionals and administrators interested in or working in the drugs field, including participants from the EMCDDA's network of focal points in 30 countries, or from programmes being developed by the EMCDDA with third countries (e.g. Western Balkans, North Africa, Eastern Europe).


  • Please note that a good command of english is a mandatory requirement




Full Price - 420.00€
Iscte Students - 240.00€
Scholarships - 210.00€ (all candidates are automatically eligible for scholarships)

The programme fee includes

  • Tuition
  • Course material, sessions recorded and made available for later viewing (on request)


60 hours (two intensive weeks)

Data de realização

1st to 12th of March 2021

Datas de Inscrição

Registration: 19th October 2020 - 8th February 2021 (Notification of acceptance on 12th February 2021).

A deposit of 150€ is requested when submitting your application, refunded only in case of course cancelation. In all other situations the deposit is non-refundable. If for any reason you cannot attend this school, we will allow the deposit to be transferred to subsequent editions of this course. Send an email asking for alteration. 

In order to apply please click on "Application". Please attach in your application a scanned copy of your ID (EU citizens) or Passport, a digital photo (passport format), your Diploma(s), Curriculum Vitae and a proof of payment of the deposit

Payment should be made by bank transfer to the account detailed below. Please note that the bank transfer must be free of any charges to the recipient. A copy of the transfer slip (indicating your name) should be sent to us by email as proof of payment.

Company: IPPS-IUL – Instituto para as Políticas Públicas e Sociais
NIB: 0036 0000 99105886113 55
IBAN: PT50 0036 0000 9910 5886 1135 5
Name: IPPS-IUL – Instituto para as Políticas Públicas e Sociais
Address: Rua Castilho, n.º 5, 1250–066 Lisboa

Payment by Paypal is available upon request by email to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. and is subject to an increase of 2.9% to the value under payment.

For help during your application process please contact Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar..

We have prepared a video to help with the application process. Watch HERE.

Course in English

  • Online Course with Zoom